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Char Buildup in Glue Melter

What are the causes of char in glue melters and what can you do to reduce the buildup? Wouldn't it be nice to reduce the pesky char that clogs your nozzles and shuts down a production line.  Sounds easy, right?!? There are many variables that can attribute to this issue.  Make some observations of your production lines based on the list of Challenges below.  If you have any of these challenges below, you are prone to have glue melter clogging issues, which means possible expensive downtime.

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Glue Applicator for HMT® Glue Melter

Looking for an alternative for fast delivery on glue handguns and hoses for the HMT® melters?  Our Versashot handguns and glue hoses are durable and reliable.  We provide quick delivery times and warranties on both parts. 

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